Язык СМС. SMS language. Часть 2
- 2DAY - today
- 2MORO - tomorrow
- 2NITE - tonight
- AAM - as a matter of fact
- AB - ah bless!
- ADctd2Luv - addicted to love
- AFAIC - as far as i know
- AKA - also known as
- ALIWanIsU – all i want is you
- ALOrO - all or nothing
- AML - as soon as possilbe
- ATB - all the best
- B4 - before
- BaBitsU - baby it’s you
- BBFN - bye bye for now
- BBSD - be back soon darling
- BCNU - be seeing you
- BdBy - bad boy
- BF - boy friend
- BFN - bye for now
- BGWM - be gentle with me (please)
- BRB - be right back
- BTW - by the way
- BYKT - but you knew that
- Cld9? - cloud 9?
- CMIIW - correct me if i’m wrong
- CSThnknAU - can’t stop thinking about you
- CU - see you
- CUIMD - see you in my dreams
- CUL8R - see you later
- CYA - see ya
- D8 - date
- DLTBBB - don’t let the bed bugs bit
- 4EVRYRS - forever yours
- EOL - end of lecture
- F2T - free to talk
- FITB - fill in the blank
- FWIW - for what it’s worth
- FYEO - for your eyes only
- FYI - for your information
- GAO - glad all over
- GF - girl friend
- GG - good game
- Gr8 - great
- GrOvyBab - groovy baby
- GrwOldWivMe - grow old with me
- GSOH - good salary, own home
- GSOH - good sense of humour
- GTSY - glad to see you
- H8 - hate
- HAGN - have a good night
- HAND - have a nice day
- HITULThtILuvU? - have i told you lately that i love you?
- HidMeClse - hold me close
- Hot4U - hot for you
- HTH - hope this helps
- H&K - hug and kiss
- IAC - in any case
- ICLW\YLuv - I can’t live without your love
- IDK - I don’t know
- IDntDsrveU - I don’t deserve you
- IGotUBbe - I got you babe
- IIRC - if I recall correctly
- IJC2SalLuvU - I just called to say I love you
- ILUVU - I love you
- IMBLuv - it must be love
- IMHO - in my humble opinion
- IMNSHO - in my not so humble opinion
- ImRdy4Luv - I’m ready for love
- ImT14U - I’m the one for you
- IOW - in other words
- IOWAN2BWU - I only want to be with you
- IYKWIN - If you know what i mean
- IYSS - if you say so
- JM2p - just my two pennyworth
- JstCLMe - just call me
- KIT - keep in touch
- KOTC - kiss on the cheek
- KOTL - kiss on the lips
- L8 - late
- L8R - later
- LETA - letter
- LOL - laugh out loud
- LMAO - laughing my ass off
- LstinU - lost in you
- LTNC - long time no see
- LtsGt2gthr - let’s get together
- LuvU - love you
- Luv2LuvUBab - love to love you baby
- LuvisTDrug - love is the drug
- LuvMeLuvMyDog - love me, love my dog
- M$ULkeCraZ - miss you like crazy
- MBURBMJ - my but you’re beautiful Miss Jones
- MGB - may god bless
- MkeMyDaSa+! - make my day, say yes
- MMDP - make my day punk!
- Mob - mobile
- MYOB - mind your own business
- NE - any
- NE1 - anyone
- NO1 - no-one
- MO - moment
- OIC - oh, I see
- OTOH - on the other hand
- PCM - please call me
- PLS - please
- PPL - people
- QT - cutie
- R - are
- ResQMe - rescue me
- RMB - ring my bell
- RmbaYaMne - remember you’re mine
- ROTFL - roll on the floor laughing
- RU? - are you?
- RUOK? - are you okay (ok)
- Salt&ILDoIT - say it & I’ll do it
- SETE - Smiling ear to ear
- SIT - stay in touch
- SITD - still in the dark
- SO - significant other
- SOH - sense of humour
- SOHF - sense of humour failure
- SOME1 - someone
- SRy - sorry
- StckOnU - stuck on you
- StndByYaMan - stand by your man
- SvnALMyLuv4U - saving all my love for you
- SWALK - sent with a loving kiss
- SWG - scientific wild guess
- SYS - see you soon
- 2Hot2Hndle - too hot to handle
- TDTU - totally devoted to you
- THNQ - thank you
- Thx - thanks
- Ti2GO - time to go
- TIC - tongue in cheek :-p
- TkeAChnceOnMe? - take a chance on me?
- TLMeImDrmn - tell me I’m dreaming
- TMIY - take me I’m yours
- TPTB - the powers that be
- TTYL8R - talk to you later
- TWIMC - to whom it may concern
- U - you
- UCnDoMgic - you can do magic
- UdoSumthn2Me - you do something to me
- UR - you are
- U+Me=Luv - you + me = love
- WAN2 - want to
- WAN2TLK? - want to talk
- WenCnICUAgn? - when can I see you again?
- WER R U? - where are you?
- WLUMRyMe? - will you marry me?
- WRT - with respect to
- WTTW - word to the wise
- WUWH - wish you were here
- X - kiss
- XLNT - excellent
- Xoxoxoxo - hugs and kisses
- Xclusvly Urs - exclusively yours
- Y? - why?
- YBS - you’ll be sorry
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